
Hi there! 
My name is Kjirsten (Keer-sten), and I am the oldest of this sister bunch. 

I am married to my favorite person in the whole world, and we have 6 children . . . three boys and three girls, ranging in age from 13 years to 4 months.  I am in a wonderful season of life - having both tiny ones and a teenager. 

I spend my days feeding babies, doing MOUNTAINS of laundry, cleaning the same things over and over again, running errands, and being entertained by my little ones. 

I spend my evenings running my boys around to basketball, soccer, baseball, or football practice, and scouting meetings, etc..  I play hostess daily to lots of neighborhood friends, and can not keep enough food in the house for all those boys!  My favorite time of the day is when things slow down and we gather together -- just the family -- to talk about the day and reconnect.  

I fear I am probably the least talented of the sisters . . . they are MY inspiration.  But I'm excited to be a part of this with them!  :)

A little back story . . . I am the oldest of the seven kids in our family.  After me, are two brothers (our awsome SIL Caroline, who you will meet, married one of these brothers), and then three sisters, and then one more brother.  Sooo, obviously those three little sisters of mine were quite close!  I remember many a morning that they would all wake up in the same bed . . . just couldn't get enough of each other.  I was in High School when they were in Elementary School, and then I was off to college and missed A LOT of their growing up years.  It's evident in all of the"sister" pictures through the years, when you see that I'm missing, that I just wasn't around.  I was in Utah (BYU) when they were in Texas -- then I was back in Texas when they were in Utah (BYU).  No fair.  I just have to say that I am so thrilled to finally get to be a part of one of their "sister clubs"! -- They are some of the most amazing women I know. 

Now that we're all "big girls", all married and raising families, our common goals have shortened the age span, and like YOU, we're seeking the good and uplifting things in life.

So excited!


  1. aww! i love it, kjirst! we're happy to have you in the 'club', too. : ) we always looked up to our big sis.

  2. Yay!! So much fun you guys! Can't wait to check in and see what you all are doing! Not that I don't already!;)

  3. Yay!!! You and Claire are so pretty!

  4. Oh yea! I'm excited to hear more about what your up to!
