
MADE: Crocheted leggings

I made these pink crocheted leggings for Penelope when she was just a few months old. She finally wore them the other day, with the pillowcase dress*, and I about died.

It was just a little chilly out, but still nice enough for her to be running around barefoot. The leggings were perfect to keep her chubby little leggies warm.

I found the pattern via Pinterest, at Crazy Socks Crochet.

*I can't believe it used to be so BIG on her! Now it's so short, you can see her bloomers!


  1. Oh my goodness . . . what a doll! That dress and those little leggings are precious. You should feel very proud of yourself! Sooooo cute Care!

  2. Crazy cute! And she looks so much like her brothers, so so sweet!

  3. Love those little pig tails!! And those leggings in those cute little legs!! Nice job!!

  4. So cute! I love them!

  5. I love those!!!!! Oh how I wish I could make some for my little gals! Too cute!
